Bunny Optimised
Faith's Bunny Optimised
Green Optomised Model with physics and Lots of customisable features.
- FBT Tested
- 3D Body Textures With Normal Maps and type switch
- 4 Skin Colors - Light/Tan/Dark/Audiolink
- 2 Hair Colors
- Invisibility Dissolve Toggle
- Full Body Hue Shift
- 6 Eye types
- Full Custom Expressions
- Physics in Hair/Ears/Rear/Chest UwU
- Finger Colliders for headpatties >w<
- Suvys Special Base with Realistic body deforms.
- Cut Mesh fully Safe for Anything
If you like these assets Please consider going to the Store pages and checking out Their other products, These creators have done wonderful work and You get to see more with the click of a button.
- Suvy Base - https://suvy.gumroad.com/l/suvybase
- Suvy Head 2.0 - https://suvy.gumroad.com/l/suvyheada2
- Suvy Bunny Girl Set - https://suvy.gumroad.com/l/bunnygirl
- Valkyries Bodysuit - https://suvy.gumroad.com/l/VS_FREE
- Puppy Boots by Velvet - https://velvie.gumroad.com/l/OrKbn
Body Textures by Myself. All Clothing Shaped to fit with Suvy's Base.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Terms of Use~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
By purchasing this model you are agreeing to the terms of use.
You may NOT re-use any model parts without first purchasing the existing assets. You cannot share / re-publish / re-sell- model, use parts, setup or settings. You may not claim as your own. Private Single Person use only!
Gifting is allowed only by letting me know of the VRChat username you are gifting to.. ->Faith13#0001<-
You are allowed to use model privately in other VR related platforms, however package is Built for VRChat.
You are allowed to use model for media, streaming and video creation, but be nice and let me know first so I can make sure the model is legitimately acquired. And please credit myself as the creator in your Bio. (Please read TOS for each model asset before, Some Creators have personal TOS regarding media use for assets) Protect yourself.
Using this model without purchasing or prior permission is not allowed and considered a Breach of the Terms and action will be taken, including but not limited to DMCA/Reported for Reuploading/Banned from my Discord and your information shared among the Avatar creators community. I assure you this is not pretty.
Purchase of this product is final and non-refundable.
All avatars are subject to updates and customers will be able to redeem the update for free if this happens. Avatar will most likely also be converted to physbones at a later date when it is more stable and understood.
AvatarPackage, Credits and TOS, Shaders.